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Elimination Of Wastage From Textile Industry

Textile waste is found across all levels of the fashion industry. As more organizations are adopting sustainable measures for textile manufacture, many of them revealed the truth behind the manufacturing process. They reveal that around 15% of the material is sent out as waste. This is stunning when you consider that there is supposed to be no wastage in the textile industry in the first place. Below is a discussion regarding the elimination of waste in consumer supply chains of custom knit fabric and other textiles.

Fabric Knitting

Knitting is the first stage of garment production our circular knitting machines loop the yarn around each other to produce a seamless tube of fabric once finished, this tube is ready to be fabric dyed and cut to match your pattern.
The look, feel and weight of your garment depends on the type of yarn and stitch used.Below you will find a comprehensive list of yarns and stitches we can use to create your desired garment.
A common stitch used in t-shirt knitting is a jersey stitch where each loop in the knit is the same and it creates a flat material .

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